marți, 12 noiembrie 2013

Zilele Bucuresti

La inceputul lui noiembrie, intre 1-3 noiembrie, au venit la Bucuresti gospodarii din Bucovina, asa cum au mai facut si in anii trecuti. Au adus cu ei produse naturale, ecologice, facute in gospodaria lor, pe care le-au vandut intr-un spatiu foarte frumos organizat de ei in Parcul Titan. Cu ei a venit si Ansamblul folcloric "Ciprian Porumbescu" din Suceava care timp de trei zile ne-a oferit zilnic cate doua spectacole de muzica populara si dansuri din Moldova.
Am avut ce admira...produse traditionale foarte gustoase si frumos prezentate, costumele lor populare, dansurile si cantecele moldovenesti.
A fost niste zile de toamna foarte frumoase...

At the beginning of November, Bucovina households came to Bucharest, as they have been doing also in the past years. They brought with them the natural, organic products made ​​in their household and were sold in a very nice area held by them in Titan Park. With them came the Folk Ensemble "Ciprian Porumbescu" from Suceava, that for three days gave us each day two folk music and dances of Moldova.
We have had admiring ... very tasty traditional food and beautifully presented, their costumes, the dances and songs from Moldova.

There was some beautiful autumn days ...

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